Stress and the skin

What is stress?

The term “stress” refers to both positive and negative effects on the body and mind, but more often is perceived as a harmful condition. Stress is defined as the body’s response to any demand placed on it. A stressor—which can be either internal or external—triggers it.

The hassles of daily life can be the most detrimental to your health if they aren’t managed properly. The more stress that is perceived, the more long-lasting the effects of the hormones, leading to intensified and prolonged responses by the sympathetic nervous system. Additional adrenal hormones, such as cortisol, are stimulated, leading to increased anxiety levels, compromised immune function and poor healing ability. Stress is a fact of life, and how you manage it matters. It affects you physically, psychologically and behaviorally.

How Does Stress Affect the Skin?

It is known that, although it is not caused by stress, rosacea can be impacted by it—resulting in a flare-up or worsening symptoms. Similarly, acne symptoms often are magnified by stress, particularly in the case of adult-onset acne. Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis also are exacerbated by it.

Coping Mechanisms:

Deep Breathing - Encouraging deep breathing, as well as controlled inhalation and exhalation, can improve your health.

Environment - The ambiance of your space should be conducive to influencing alpha brain waves, so soothing music choices are important.

Massage - Touch, particularly in the form of massage, has a positive effect on stress reduction and the nervous system. Massage stimulates the sensory nerves, which promote feelings of well-being. Stress hormones such as cortisol are reduced, along with pain, and immune function is improved. Acupressure can enhance energy flow—or chi—and have a positive effect on the nervous system. Hot stone massage improves circulation and helps elicit the relaxation response.

Reflexology - A great way to promote calm. Even if enjoyed for only a short time, it makes a big difference to the nervous system.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - Chronic stress negatively impacts the lymphatic system, so lymph drainage massage is beneficial not only for heightening relaxation, but also in aiding with the elimination of toxins and improving immune function. Coming to Spa Matrix in 2022…

Toxin Elimination - Toxin elimination helps to alleviate the physical manifestations associated with chronic stress by reducing waste buildup in cells and tissues. Salt Therapy, Mud, parafango, paraffin and herbal linen wraps are great treatments to stimulate detoxification. Simply warming the body by using an infrared lamp can aid in toxin elimination due to increased circulation and improved tissue repair. Salt Therapy is coming to Spa Matrix in 2022…

It is all about balance. Solutions for dealing with stress also include healthy lifestyle changes, such as nutrition, exercise and meditation.


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