Salicylic acid is a plant-based acid found naturally in the leaves of the Wintergreen tree, as well as the bark of the White Willow tree.

Salicylic acid is a lipophilic molecule, which means it is attracted to lipids and blends better with oils than it does with water. This makes it an excellent ingredient to have in your skincare products if you have oily skin.

Salicylic acid molecules are small enough to soak deep into your skin where it can effectively remove built up dirt, oil, and other debris from your pores. In addition, it can help to reduce inflammation and redness.

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that softens and loosens dead skin cells. It can unclog pores, clear dirt, prevent and heal breakouts, and smooth the skin surface. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Salicylic acid is a powerful ingredient when used in cleansers, serums, toners, and chemical peels.

Salicylic acid is the recommended ingredient for people with oily and acne-prone skin, and particularly for treating blackheads and whiteheads. It not only treats current breakouts, but it can help prevent future ones as well.

Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin which improves the skin’s overall appearance, helps reduce wrinkles and is also beneficial for dry skin!

It is suggested to start using a salicylic acid product 3 times a week and then you can build up the usage to more days, even daily if irritation does not occur.

In a serum, the acid will gently remove pore-clogging impurities and exfoliate the skin for a smoother, clearer-looking complexion. SM Illuminating Glow Complex, SM Men Ingrown Hair Relief Serum, and Clear Cell Clarifying Acne Spot Treatment, blend salicylic acid with other skin nourishing ingredients to effectively clear your pores and combat acne, while also providing soothing anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness.

In a foaming cleanser, it will reveal clearer, healthier looking skin by gently exfoliating sensitive and acne-prone skin without stripping skin of its natural oils. When used correctly and regularly, cleansers such as Clear Cell Clarifying Salicylic Gel Cleanser can clean your skin at the deepest level in order to restore a healthy glow. 

One of the benefits to salicylic acid is that while it is one of the more powerful beta-hydroxy acids, when used correctly it does not have the same skin drying effect as some other similar ingredients. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone with combination skin, or who may suffer from regular acne breakouts.

In a toner, salicylic acid works to help restore balance to your complexion and remove any excess oil and impurities for a shine-free finish.

During the winter months, a chemical peel containing salicylic acid will easily capture and remove surface dirt, excess oils, dead skin cells, and more. It works generally by dissolving these substances.

For chemical peels, salicylic acid can potentially be more drying on your skin, but for a one-time targeted approach, the more aggressive salicylic acid may be preferred for oily skin. Salicylic acid, is best if you have oily skin, are prone to acne breakouts or clogged pores, and are in search of a targeted treatment for these concerns that will show visually noticeable results after just one use. 

Contact Spa Matrix today to discover how the power salicylic acid can help you?!


Autumn is Peel Season!


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